PS5 DualSense Edge Best Controller Settings For Warzone 2 & Modern Warfare 2
In this review, you'll learn the optimal settings for PS5 Edge controller thumbsticks, triggers, bumpers, back buttons, and more for Warzone 2 and MW2.

New Arrival

- LED Mod Indicator
- Mod Switch
- 11 Exclusive Mods
- Ultra-Customizable Controls
- 2 lever Mappable Back Buttons
- Replaceable Stick Modules
- Quick Access Profile Settings Menu
- On-Controller User Interface
- Changeable Stick Caps and Back Buttons
The DualSense Edge controller has been out for a couple of weeks, but the hype around its release hasn't died down one bit. While the Edge reviews from gamers all over the globe continue to roll in on the web, we're taking a deep dive into how it performs in the most popular games on the market and how it stacks up to other recently released pro controllers.
In the article, we’ll help you fine-tune the controller settings for Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.
Both games were released to much fanfare in November 2022 on a slew of platforms - PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Both titles have gone on to become some of the most successful releases in franchise history. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has made history - it pulled in a billion bucks in just ten days. And Warzone 2 got a whopping 25 million players in its first week.
Moving on, we'll adjust every swappable component, as well as tweak settings in the PlayStation software to ensure you have an instant edge over your opponents.
Let's get to setting up the controller.
Changeable Stick Caps Setup

The sticks are your first contact point with the controller. Adjusting them right can greatly improve grip, comfort, and overall accuracy. Therefore, the first step in customizing the performance of Call of Duty games is to ensure that your thumbsticks are properly configured.
The controller comes with two alternate thumbstick styles to choose from. Both are dome-shaped, one is stock height and the other is of a longer height.
The left thumbstick controls your character's movement, and I recommend swapping in the regular dome shape thumbstick to improve grip.
The right thumbstick controls your character's aim, so putting in the longer dome-shaped thumbstick will significantly improve your aiming accuracy. The added height will allow you to do those aiming adjustments in the game with ease.
Triggers Stops & Alternative PS3-Style Aiming and Shooting Layout

If you use triggers for aiming and shooting, take advantage of the Edge's new trigger lock feature. With it, you can cut down on the distance you need to press the trigger to activate it, giving you an even faster shooting experience.
I recommend using level 3 or the shortest distance trigger lock for the best response time when aiming and shooting.
In the Edge comprehensive review, I mentioned that the controller trigger travel distance is still too long even if set to the shortest trigger stop setting. Therefore, for maximum performance, I use the Edge bumpers to aim and shoot instead. They act as an on/off switch, and are quicker than the triggers, as they require a significantly less distance to be pressed down to activate.
Using bumpers in this way will improve your response time by 50% when aiming and shooting.
The Back Buttons Configuration

The feature is a must-have add-on for any pro controller. It is built to help you personalize the character’s movement and enhance your reaction time.
The Edge comes in two different styles of back paddles: half dome and lever style. While the half-dome-style ones are designed to keep accidental presses at bay, they are extremely uncomfortable for me. I have to stretch out my finger to reach them, and before I can actually fully press on them, my fingers lift the buttons up by hitting their back bottom edge. No wonder, it slows down my reaction time.
Therefore, I recommend using the lever-style back paddles, as they are well-designed, follow the contours of the controller, and are ergonomically placed where my fingers naturally rest. Unlike the half-dome
The Best Controller to Console Connection: Wireless VS Wired

If you're serious about taking your gaming to the next level, any advantage you can get to improve your gaming is worth the effort.
On the PS5 Edge, the response time and latency are equally good whether used wirelessly or wired. Still, I prefer to use the wire for a stronger connection to the console and a guaranteed quick reaction time. Plus, you'll never have to worry about your controller going dead in the middle of your session.
Yes, there is still a heated debate about whether or not a wired connection provides a faster response time. While I don't have the exact numbers for the Edge controller, there is data for the Xbox One controller revealed by company officials a while back. It stated that the time it takes for your controller to send a signal to the console is a mere 9 milliseconds, making it practically the same as with a wired controller.
But for the sake of my mind, I go wired. At least, it gives psychological comfort to know my controller won't die in the middle of the action.
Controller Software: Button Mapping, Stick, Trigger Sensitivity, Deadzones, and Vibration Setup

We are at the final part of the Edge controller optimization for Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2, which is creating a custom profile and saving your best settings. Before we jump into the setup, you need to ensure your PS5 is running the latest system update. Unveiled in January, the update, version 22.02-06.50.00 contains a variety of performance-enhancing adjustments and grants console compatibility with the Edge. It’s a must-have upgrade if you're looking to get the most out of your new controller.
By the way, the new PlayStation Edge interface with the FN buttons, added right below the thumbsticks, makes it super easy to swap between the profiles and adjust other settings. The best part is that it can be done mid-game without having to pause.
Starting with the back button assignments, I will assign my back buttons to Circle and X to let me do the drop shots and the jump shots with ease. By the way, in Warzone, you're also able to set one to the Square to quickly loot.
For the left thumbstick sensitivity, I keep everything at default and dead zones at zero, as this provides the best result for my character movement.
I recommend using the precise sensitivity curve with the -2 curve adjustment for the right thumbstick. This is the best-aiming setting, allowing you to easily do fine aiming movements in the game while still changing angles and snapping on your opponent. I leave the dead zone set to zero as well, as you want to be as quick and responsive as possible.
For the trigger dead zones, I insist on keeping everything default to zero to ensure you will remain very responsive when using the triggers.
For the vibration intensity and trigger effect settings, keep them both off, as when the controller vibrates, you become more focused on compensating for that vibration. Therefore, with no vibration, you remain in full control and concentrate on aiming at your opponent.
Wrapping Up
With that, we’ve just fine-tuned the latest PS5 Edge controller to give you the maximum edge in your adventures in Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2. Have a better setup in mind or any special tricks that help the community? Share them in the comments below or add your input directly to the Community platform.